ÀüÀÚ¸ÞÀÏ : dy21kang@hanmail.net
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°³¹ßº¸µå > USB Á¦Ç° > °³¹ßÅø,µð¹ö°Å,¾Æ´äŸ > LA Mictor Adapter 2

LA Mictor Adapter 2
ºê·£µå : N/A
»óÇ°¸í : LA Mictor Adapter 2
ÆǸŰ¡°Ý : 350,000¿ø
¹è¼ÛÁ¶°Ç : (Á¶°Ç)
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This adapter is the 2nd generation of the LA Mictor and attaches to the connector on the top of the ITP-XDP3.
 It provides a Mictor connector for attachment of Logic Analyzer vendor cables, an output trigger, and an input trigger.
Visibility of data is provided using the LA vendor of choices equipment.
Will not work with ITP-XDP or ITP-XDP2. No external power supply required
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