ÀüÀÚ¸ÞÀÏ : dy21kang@hanmail.net
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°³¹ßº¸µå > USB Á¦Ç° > °³¹ßÅø,µð¹ö°Å,¾Æ´äŸ > I©÷C* Bus Interface, Monitoring and Control

I©÷C* Bus Interface, Monitoring and Control
ºê·£µå : Avit
»óÇ°¸í : I©÷C* Bus Interface, Monitoring and Control
¸ðµ¨¸í : IC2C
ÆǸŰ¡°Ý : 190,000¿ø
¹è¼ÛÁ¶°Ç : (Á¶°Ç)
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AVIT Research provides a I©÷C and SMBus Monitoring and Control Tool.  Developed with years of experience in I©÷C,
 this tool is an embedded engineer's must.  The device is self contained (circuitry integrated into the connector)
 and does not require any external power source. 

The design philosophy was such that our I©÷C tools would not need Drivers or Installation software to use them - even our USB devices do not require an installation disk or drivers downloading from the internet - the USB carries its own drivers and initially appears an a standard Mass-Storage Device to load it's configuration file.  HyperTerminal (supplied with Windows) is used as an interface, this provides data monitoring, filtering, time-stamping, logging and even transmission (Tool and Professional version only) all without any installing of software.  There is even Help available.

Custom interfaces and functionality can easily be made using the Supplied Software Development Kit (SDK).
  Full control of the I©÷C Bus can be achieved using the OCX interface.

  • USB Connectivity

  • Hyper-Terminal Colour Interface

  • Monitors bus data (up to 400kHz)

  • Compatible with 5v and 3.3v bus systems

  • Shows Acknowledgements (Acks/nAcks)

  • Master Transmit (Multi-Master Compliant)
    Master Request (Multi-Master Compliant)

  • Slave Receive
    Slave Transmit

  • Supports Clock Stretching

  • Master (TX/Rqt) with Bus Hold

  • Peripheral Emulation (PC interface)

  • Trigger configurable as an output
    (e.g. oscilloscope trigger or power source)

  • Trigger configurable as an input
    (event marker in data log or triggering messages)

  • Windows Software Developer Kit provides full I©÷C functionality of the device to VB, VBA, C
     or Java applications through an OCX or .NET Control. 

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