ÀüÀÚ¸ÞÀÏ : dy21kang@hanmail.net
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ÄÉÀ̺í > OA¿ë ÄÉÀ̺í > Á¨´õ,ÄÁ¹öÅÍ ÄÄÇ»ÅÍ¿ë ÄÉÀ̺í > LANC to MIDI Time-Code Generator

LANC to MIDI Time-Code Generator
ºê·£µå : N/A
»óÇ°¸í : LANC to MIDI Time-Code Generator
¸ðµ¨¸í : LAMIDC
ÆǸŰ¡°Ý : °ßÀû¹®ÀÇ
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LANC to MIDI Time-Code Generator  


  • Converts Control-L (LANC) video protocol to MIDI Time Code (Quarter Frame)

  • Automatically detects 25, 30 and 30DF (Drop-Frame) frame formats.

  • Transmits MTC during PLAY or RECORD

  • No power supply required

  • Compact - all circuitry is integrated within the MIDI connector.

The LANC MIDI Time code generator is a simple,
lost-cost way to synchronise MIDI and Music sequencers to video playback and recording. 
The generator reads the Time Code information using the LANC (Control-L) protocol found
 on Sony (and some other manufacture¡¯s such as Canon) video equipment and converts it into MIDI Time Code (MTC).

MTC Transport from MIDI OX

The LANC MTC Generator automatically senses the type of frame format being used. 
However, the difference between 30 fps and 30 drop frame can only be detected on
 the minute transition when the minute is not exactly divisible by 10

For this reason once the frame format has been detected it is stored and used
 as the default next time the cable is used. 
If the cable is used with a different frame format system it is recommended that the cable is connected to the video source
 and the video allowed to play over a couple of minute transitions. 
(Usually the Synchronisation device or software will show the type of MTC being received – this can be used to confirm
that the correct frame format has been detected).

The Cable connects into the MIDI IN port of the synchronisation slave (e.g. hardware or software sequencer)
and the 2.5mm jack connector to the video device LANC/Control-L port.




Input:    Control-L (LANC) video protocol with frame resolution time-code.
Output:  Midi Time Code Quarter Message (MMA MIDI 1.0 Specification)
Frame Latency  3.0ms (constant latency from video frame sync pulse)
Quarter Frame Rate 25fps 10ms +/- 0.064ms
Quarter Frame Rate 30fps  8.33ms +/- 0.064ms

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